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  • Seven-days Training Courses: small groups of 15 to 20 persons where the inclusion becomes easier. 


  • Workshops: more open to everyone where the chance to meet people between the 250 participants in a more relaxed way which produces spontaneous happenings. 


  • Concerts and Jams: there will be presentations of all the work done at the courses and everybody will have the opportunity to get up on the stage and participate. 


How to achieve this? 


We are looking for 10% of the meeting have been represented by these groups through scolarships to attend the meeting.



Through organizations like ONCE, Secretario Gitano, Hechos, Aspanias, Zerca y Lejos, centers for the physically and psychically handicapped from Villarcayo, Medina de Pomar and Miranda de Ebro. 


These organizations are the nexus between all those persons and us. The organizations will choose the participants to the meeting due their experience and daily work. 

We seek for a continued attendance from these collectives to guarantee a full coexistence. 


Movemente for Free Culture has a tight relation with the ONGD Zerca y lejos which has been working more than 13 years in integral development projects in Cameroun. 


In the future we intend to establish with their help a music school at the location of DJOUM in the south Cameroun and keep using the music as a way of social growing and develop. 

The music as a way of social inclusion  


Movement for Free Culture has established an aim: to achieve a complete integration of social groups with fewer opportunities and/or with special needs.


The music is a tool to communicate and to express which make it specially important when it comes to work with people with a wide variety of learning problems (blind people and amblyopic, deft people and hypo acoustic, motor disorders, severe personality disorders, etc.)


Our goal is to get their full integration at the meeting and for them to be an active part of it. The structure of the meeting answers to several needs about social integration: 

Commitment and Social dimension 

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